David Brayden, Ph. D. is Professor of Advanced Drug Delivery at University College Dublin (UCD) School of Veterinary Medicine and a Senior Fellow of the UCD Conway Institute. David is a Co-Principal Investigator of the Science Foundation Ireland Centre Medical Devices and is the coordinator of BUCCAL-PEP, an EU Horizon Consortium working on buccal peptide delivery. David is the author or co-author of more than three hundred research publications and patents in the area of delivery of peptides and proteins. In 2021 he was appointed the first Chief Editor of Frontiers in Drug Delivery. David was elected as a Fellow of the CRS (2012) and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (2017), and as a Member of the Royal Irish Academy (2024). He was appointed by the Minister of Health as Chairperson of Ireland’s National Research Ethics Clinical Trials Committee D in 2024.